Fullspeed Glossary
Here you can find short descriptions of terms, names and other things that pop up in fullspeed.
This often pops up in a team competition when every member of one team finishes before any of the opponent team’s players. It comes from the old Fullspeed team against All authority (aAa).
Air-Brake (AB)
Airbrake refers to the technique where you break while in the air. This stops the forward rotation of your car and is used to make sure you get a flat landing. It is also commonly used to lower your air time.
Air Time
Air time refers to the state in which your wheels are not touching something that allows you to accelerate. This can be jumps, drops, or even vertical positions.
An antiboost is a booster that points in the opposite direction of the track, intended to slow you down. They are usually frowned upon as they ruin the momentum in a Fullspeed track.
Bottom Cake
A bottom cake is a reversed cake, so that you drive it at the bottom instead. The name comes from the fact that if you enclose 4 cake pieces together, it looks like a cake.
A cake is a feature that looks like a rounded wallride.
Cam 1/2/3
Cam 1 is the overivew camera. Cam 2 is a camera behind the car and follows the angle of your car. Cam 3 is the cockpit camera inside the car.
A cobra is the name of a twisty loop/turnover feature. It is charcterized by the twist being at the top, but it is possible to drive it from the bottom or from the top. The cobra comes from a picture posted in the fsfam discord:
Flow Trick
A flow trick is a technique where you drive over the curb on the side of the road, right before a jump. This gives you a nose-dive effect. The trick does not exist in TM2020 as the randstein curbs no longer exists. Used to reduce air time.
FMS refers to the Fullspeed Major Series. This is a series of 3 team competitions in fullspeed, and ends with the FMS grand finals. The three competitions, in order throughout the season are: FullSpeed League (FSL), Speed PremierShip (SPS) and FullSpeed Masters (FSM). Teams gather points based on their position in the three competitions, and the top 4 teams with the most points, are eligible to play the FMS playoffs which goes to the FMS grand finals.
FS is simply the abbreviation of FullSpeed.
FSF/FSFam/Fullspeed Family
The Fullspeed Family is the most active community in Fullspeed. It is a fullspeed community for and by the players. It exists as a website, discord server and a club in-game where players that enjoy Fullspeed can discuss, share and play Fullspeed together.
Galaxy Drift (GD)
A galaxy drift is a technique for speed drifting down an upside-down quarterpipe. In some cases, you can also SD upwards in a quarterpipe (eg. in a turnover). It is usually done by first losing grip and then steer hard to initiate an SD down the quarterpipe. It only works at 800+ in tubes, pancakes, turnovers and other features that allow such conditions. The technique was named after Mariogalaxy who discovered it.
Hunter Wall
A hunter wall is a wall to banked transition, also refered to as a feature. It is commonly used in many advanced tracks to create more interesting features. Hunter walls are named after the player and mapper “Hunter”, who popularized these transitions.
The jeffery is a track feature where you exit a reverse turnover into a hunter wall, and down into a tube. It is typically recognized to be full magnet. It started off as a meme but people started using the name actively.
A loop is a feature with a circular shape that wraps around on itself, or in Trackmania, the entry and exits are close to eachother.
Loop Camera
The loop camera refers to the cockpit camera. It is commonly used by mappers in features when you drive up in a vertical position.
Memebounce is a trick where you force your car to land with your back wheels on a bump in the road. This gives a nose-dive rotation in a way that you keep your wheels on the ground the entire time. It is used to lower air time.
Midroad Bug
A midroad bug refers to a bug in which it looks like your car clipped something in the middle of the road, resulting in your car getting a “bump” of some sort and can even push you completely out of the track.
A nosedive is a state in which the front of your car starts pointing downwards. In some cases it can be forced in order to get lower air time.
Reverse Turnover
A reverse turnover explains itself really, you enter a normal turnover in reverse. This is typically done by having magnets at the top to avoid losing grip.
Ride Trick
The ride trick is a technique where you do a left-right or right-left steering motion right before a jump in order to tilt your car, and sometimes also get a slight nose-dive. Used to reduce air time.
A pancake is a feature that may remind you of a cake, but has a flat top part instead of it being rounded. It also looks like an angled turnover. The pancake requires free-blocking other half and can be rotated by different amounts. A magnet at the top is used to strengthen the grip of the car to make the feature smoother.
SD (Speed Drift)
Stands for Speed Drift and is a technique to accelerate faster than you normally could. It is recognized by overlapping the front and back skid marks from the wheels during a drift. Works at 420+ speed on tarmac, and 220+ speed on the other surfaces.
Speed Limit
Speed limit usually refers to the state where your car is limited to 800 speed due to acceleration decreasing drastically at 800+. This can happen due to grass patches or being close to 800 as you enter a feature.
A technique to start a speed drift by tapping the break very quickly. It was invented by a member of the team R4B and named it after that team.
A tube is a cylindrical feature that you drive on the inside.
Reverse of a walltube. Also called downwall or corkscrew.
A turnover is a feature that starts like a tube, but when you reach the top, it “turns around” and back. It is a way to do an instant 180 turn.
A transition refers to the connection between two sections. You’re essentially transitioning from one part to another. Most people refer to transitions as some type of jump, but it doesn’t have to be a jump as per defintion.
A wallride is a vertical and rounded wall that you can drive on. Typically used to do sharp 90 or 180 degree turns.
A walltube is a feature where you enter a tube by going up wallride. Some people also refer to these features as upwalls or corkscrews. The reverse would be a tubewall or downwall.
1-wheel SD
A 1-wheel SD is an SD, but you do it while only having 1 wheel touching the ground.
2-wheel SD
A 2-wheel sd is an sd, but you’re doing it with only 2 of the wheels touching the ground. This is usually done by having your car tilt on the side.